2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC
47.9 MB
[#000] sha256:dc6c86ad1e724e4fdedbb97a4bc37931dff5a858e84e7c23389422327f638b3d - 10.69% (5.12 MB)
[#001] sha256:ef6ae1866c549240feccec4b080967270b0a2050097d893c8139850f51cf6957 - 10.13% (4.85 MB)
[#002] sha256:eb99b253e9adef2acbfc2edb95889dee08bcccd4001065fbfba8fce78bf1f51a - 0.01% (5.82 KB)
[#003] sha256:4d4335cb8ae169f9417785f7a127937a54c14dbebc6e242e061c4740b5174340 - 23.49% (11.2 MB)
[#004] sha256:dca352022f4f8da2e9e73cd9a34abfdfebd23147382fbe7a7d8a96855e379918 - 0.01% (6.46 KB)
[#005] sha256:b75ce0d2b1bdc5637cb1c6076f15a0a4450b6a28a0f4b73129c338e0f6ae6cef - 55.67% (26.7 MB)
[#006] sha256:032686b31f8940c384f02303b61de5d98340d91cdfea5293b8dc90d90e02ef60 - 0.0% (2.25 KB)
COPY /root-out/ / # buildkit
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG BUILD_DATE
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG VERSION
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL build_version=Linuxserver.io version:- b01a8a64-ls35 Build-date:- 2022-11-29T00:35:38-06:00
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=TheLamer
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV PS1=$(whoami)@$(hostname):$(pwd)\$ HOME=/root TERM=xterm S6_CMD_WAIT_FOR_SERVICES_MAXTIME=0
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |2 BUILD_DATE=2022-11-29T00:35:38-06:00 VERSION=b01a8a64-ls35 /bin/sh -c echo "**** install runtime packages ****" && apk add --no-cache bash ca-certificates coreutils curl procps shadow tzdata && echo "**** create abc user and make our folders ****" && groupmod -g 1000 users && useradd -u 911 -U -d /config -s /bin/false abc && usermod -G users abc && mkdir -p /app /config /defaults && echo "**** add qemu ****" && curl -o /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static -L "https://lsio-ci.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/qemu-arm-static" && chmod +x /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static && echo "**** cleanup ****" && rm -rf /tmp/* # buildkit
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)COPY root/ / # buildkit
2022-11-29 06:37:06 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENTRYPOINT ["/init"]
2022-11-29 14:46:19 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN /bin/sh -c echo "**** install build packages ****" && apk add --no-cache apache2-utils git logrotate nano nginx openssl php8 php8-fileinfo php8-fpm php8-json php8-mbstring php8-openssl php8-session php8-simplexml php8-xml php8-xmlwriter php8-zlib && echo "**** configure nginx ****" && echo 'fastcgi_param HTTP_PROXY ""; # https://httpoxy.org/' >> /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params && echo 'fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info; # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_fastcgi_module.html#fastcgi_split_path_info' >> /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params && echo 'fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; # https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/phpfcgi/#connecting-nginx-to-php-fpm' >> /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params && echo 'fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $host; # Send HTTP_HOST as SERVER_NAME. If HTTP_HOST is blank, send the value of server_name from nginx (default is `_`)' >> /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params && rm -f /etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf && echo "**** configure php ****" && ln -s /usr/bin/php8 /usr/bin/php && sed -i "s#;error_log = log/php8/error.log.*#error_log = /config/log/php/error.log#g" /etc/php8/php-fpm.conf && sed -i "s#user = nobody.*#user = abc#g" /etc/php8/php-fpm.d/www.conf && sed -i "s#group = nobody.*#group = abc#g" /etc/php8/php-fpm.d/www.conf && echo "**** fix logrotate ****" && sed -i "s#/var/log/messages {}.*# #g" /etc/logrotate.conf && sed -i 's#/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf#/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf -s /config/log/logrotate.status#g' /etc/periodic/daily/logrotate # buildkit
2022-11-29 14:46:19 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)COPY root/ / # buildkit
2022-11-29 14:46:19 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)EXPOSE map[443/tcp:{} 80/tcp:{}]
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG BUILD_DATE
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG VERSION
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG HEIMDALL_RELEASE
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL build_version=Linuxserver.io version:- 3c9f361f-ls225 Build-date:- 2022-12-11T19:42:31+01:00
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL maintainer=aptalca
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV S6_BEHAVIOUR_IF_STAGE2_FAILS=2
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |3 BUILD_DATE=2022-12-11T19:42:31+01:00 VERSION=3c9f361f-ls225 HEIMDALL_RELEASE=3c9f361f /bin/sh -c echo "**** install runtime packages ****" && apk add --no-cache --upgrade curl php8-ctype php8-curl php8-intl php8-pdo_pgsql php8-pdo_sqlite php8-pdo_mysql php8-tokenizer php8-zip tar && echo "**** install heimdall ****" && mkdir -p /heimdall && if [ -z ${HEIMDALL_RELEASE+x} ]; then HEIMDALL_RELEASE=$(curl -sX GET "https://api.github.com/repos/linuxserver/Heimdall/commits/2.x" | awk '/sha/{print $4;exit}' FS='[""]'); fi && curl -o /heimdall/heimdall.tar.gz -L "https://github.com/linuxserver/Heimdall/archive/${HEIMDALL_RELEASE}.tar.gz" && echo "**** cleanup ****" && rm -rf /tmp/* # buildkit
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)COPY root/ / # buildkit
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)EXPOSE map[443/tcp:{} 80/tcp:{}]
2022-12-11 18:43:39 UTC (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)VOLUME [/config]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.